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Sunday Brunch and the S Bowl

5 Feb

Everything seems to feel better after brunch. I worked on the biscuits while the boyfriend made the eggs.

In other news and to follow-up with my last post, I did manage to go to the gym on Friday night after all. I also went again on Saturday morning. Not sure what got into me but I got some good workouts in and also my butt hurts a lot as result. It continued to hurt today while I went on a long walk after the above brunch. No pain, no gain, right? ha ha.

Did everyone enjoy the Super Bowl?  Whenever I actually try to watch football I’m distracted by the tights. All I see is the footballers butts in tights. Above anything else, it just looks hilarious! So, I really only tuned in for Madonna and friends. Did everyone like her performance?

Does this woman ever age? You know she is 53 years old, right?